Someone mashed up Kavanaugh's testimony with 'Pulp Fiction' and it works disturbingly well

Someone mashed up Kavanaugh's testimony with 'Pulp Fiction' and it works disturbingly wellAre you a big Pulp Fiction fan? Let us ruin that for you. The production company Elara Pictures posted a disturbing video mashup to Instagram Friday: the hamburger scene from Pulp Fiction alongside a few choice moments from Brett Kavanaugh's petulant testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Remember how, in the movie, Samuel L. Jackson says "Check out the big brain on Brett?" And remember when Kavanaugh (a Brett) bragged about going to Yale Law School yesterday? You see where this is going. View this post on Instagram CHECK OUT THE BIG BRAIN ON BRETT A post shared by Elara (@elarapictures) on Sep 28, 2018 at 1:43am PDT Please watch if you want to laugh very hard, then be enveloped by a crushing, seemingly insurmountable despair — and if you never want to watch another Tarantino movie again. WATCH: Prime Minister Ardern, UNICEF ED Henrietta Fore, Suraiya Haque speak with Julie Gichuru

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